US Campaigners Condemn Fifth Transfer of Banned US Cluster Munitions

The US Cluster Munition Coalition (USCMC) is appalled by President Biden’s decision to again transfer internationally prohibited cluster munitions to Ukraine. The US Cluster Munition Coalition has condemned the four previous transfers of these weapons since July of 2023, and is dismayed by the need to condemn such an action for the fifth time. The US Cluster Munition Coalition urges President Biden to reject these prohibited weapons and to urgently act to align US policy and actions with requirements of the Convention on Cluster Munitions.

U.S. Cluster Munition Coalition Condemns Fourth Transfer of U.S. Cluster Munitions

The U.S. Cluster Munition Coalition (USCMC) once again condemns the actions of President Biden in transferring internationally prohibited cluster munitions to another country. The USCMC firmly opposes any transfers of these weapons to any party, including Ukraine. Following the widespread condemnation by the international community and civil society to President Biden’s decision to transfer…

U.S. Cluster Munition Coalition Condemns Latest Transfer of U.S. Cluster Munitions

The U.S. Cluster Munition Coalition (USCMC) reiterates its condemnation of the use of internationally outlawed cluster munitions and firm opposition to any transfers of these weapons to any party. Following the widespread condemnation by the international community and civil society to President Biden’s decision to transfer these prohibited weapons in July, the USCMC is appalled by the Biden…